Cole contacted me about a week ago about his latest project called Dead Gaze.
He's in the process of pressing a single, either self released or through a couple labels he's been talking to so he sent me his self recorded album called 'The Pride of Calling Panther Lake'. I loved it, it seemed to be incorporating everything I've been listening to lately, the dense atmospheric layering of Panda Bear, the quiet home recording vulnerability of Chad Vangaalen, and the blown out echo heavy distortion of Wavves. Recorded at his Dad's sprawling, remote instrument filled complex in Mississippi near Panther Lake, it sounded like the dream environment which you can hear across the 8 tracks.
The Pride of Calling Panther Lake is available from Cole directly by emailing him at Rcfurlow (at) gmail, or may still be available at Gritmusic.blogspot to download direct.
We talked about playing in Boyscout Knife, a hill country blues band he's been playing in the last 3 years, the challenges of recreating Dead Gaze live, and a chance meeting members of Animal Collective at a party.
Cole is a wealth of music knowledge and we ended up talking about Brian Eno, King Tubby and a million others I'm still looking in to. There are plans to tour this summer, hopefully up here in NYC, and I'll let everyone know as soon as any kind of release from Cole becomes available.
Go listen to Cole and Dead Gaze on the show for this week.... Episode 50 (30min).
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