Just finished up a review of Nothing People's full length Late Night from last year on the message boards because I saw Permanent Records, Chicago came out with this new single from those guys.
Printed like a wedding invitation, it's great packaging and I'm sure just as great a single. In fact one of the tracks 'Enemy with an Invitation' is on their myspace. It doesn't remind me of anything from Late Night. Sounds like a fast one with even different style vocals...I swear if I had to identify their tracks in the middle of a bunch of this dark sort of garage, lots of effects style, it would be hard to pick them out...and I'm saying that's one of their strengths, mind you.
They don't have an insanely distinctive sound that's painting them in a corner. Something that gets played for a week or two straight and then maybe enough. And it's my own fault. I wonder if it's the inherent construction of Wavves, the peaking distortion, muddy drums, major chords or the fact that it was the best thing I heard for a few weeks....not to add to the backlash...I still listen to it, but only if it comes up organically, I have to say I'm not seeking it out as much these days.
Like Sonic Youth when I was in high school. I couldn't name a song or even all their albums, but I knew when I was going on a roadtrip it would be one of the tapes I always grabbed...it's just undeniably good. it has a consistent quality I keep going back to. I know Nothing People are the same....Late Night is one of those inconsistent, unpigeonholable albums I keep going back to. I have to track down that first one now definitely.
They are changing all the time, getting better and better.
Get this one from Permanent Records directly:
New 7in - Nothing People, like Wooden Shjips, are one of our generations great bands, that doesn’t tour much. Unless you live in or around their hometown of Orland, California or you happened to pick up one of their excellent releases on S-S or HoZac, you may not have ever heard of them, but those who have, love them. On previous releases, they’ve blended influences such as Chrome, Hawkwind, Roxy Music, and obscure proto-punk bands like Twinkeyz into a sound that’s all their own. This new limited edition 7”, housed in a texured glue pocket sleeve with gold foil stamping on the exterior, is the first release featuring former Monoshock member Doug Pearson! This release includes two of their most rockin’ numbers to date. Limited to 100 white vinyl copies and 500 black copiesl!
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