Strange Form Of Life / The Seedling
I have always heard that will oldham was walking in chinatown with stephen malkmus and he saw palace something and came up with palace brothers and stephen malkmus came up with silver jews at the same time. That must be a nice dream to tell your indie rocker kids while they fall asleep.
Me and my friend Tim used to see these two stores on the corner of 14th and 6th, one was called 'funny cry happy gift' so that was my band and Tim's was the place next door 'Jason's jewelry'. Those were our solo projects.
I love 'the letting go', well there's not much oldham I don't like, except that greatest hits...I don't think I ever listen to that. I have given up a long time ago keeping track of everything. It must be a little overwhelming trying to find a place to start. This daytrotter session track is amazing, I can listen to him and guitar all day.
It's super import of course, from domino, but I found this place mod lang, which is amazing, they have had everything I wanted lately.
Another haunting chapter from The Letting Go, ‘Strange Form Of Life’, is highlighted for your edification. The gauzy webs of this song gleam with clarity divorced from its siblings on The Letting Go; the music made by Emmett Kelly, Dawn McCarthy, Paul Oldham and Jim White shines all the brighter. In stark relief are the three tracks from a Daytrotter session, done during the Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy free tour of Midwestern states in August 2006. In the wide-open spaces of Iowa, the ten year-old songs ‘New Partner’ and ‘The Sun Highlights The Lack In Each’, are delivered in solo performances of Bonnie with guitar, both finding new life in the process. Also delivered is a pre-release version of ‘The Seedling’, bristling with the energy found in the layers of The Letting Go version. The appearance of an electric guitar in this ostensible ‘solo’ performance only adds to the mystery and menace of the song.
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