Wow, listening to their myspace, these tracks are really diverse. One minute in Tear down the Opera we've got some footstomping overdrive, chorus, bar brawly track where the drummer is straining to keep up, the singer can't catch his breath, and he's just playing the hell out of this song with the energy of ted leo, and then the next minute In hospital, Ella, (main vocals) is quietly storytelling from a piano bench. I'm drunk and then crying. It has a lot of that annuals/arcade type of ensemble energy. I'm really looking forward to hearing this.
It will be interesting as an album how they'll deal with this back and forth.
Directly from microindie it's $5 US, but please hurry, they only have 250 on pink vinyl!
The Scotland Yard Gospel Choir have been doing it themselves and doing it well for a few self-released, well received singles and an album. They back it up with an amazing live show, piling the stage with instruments and guest musicians. This single is a collaboration between the band and their friends here at Microindie, longtime fans and supporters of the band. The folks at AMG list the Smiths, Billy Bragg, Belle and Sebastian and Camera Obscura in the band bio.
The SYGC single is part of a back-to-basics approach by Microindie Records. Previous to running Microindie, label owner Mike Babb released many records on the 7” vinyl format which was a great pleasure. Due to decreasing vinyl demand and increasing cd demand, the cd format became the first option. With the increase in quantity and acceptability of digital downloading, Mike has decided to de-emphasize the cd format and release singles on the beloved 7” vinyl and digital download formats. There will also be a limited number of specially designed promotional discs produced for print and online reviewers.