This Mess / The Death Rattle Shakes
I have always heard of these guys mentioned in the same paragraph as experimental projects, but maybe Vessels is more conventional, because I hear a kind of Dead Meadows style, reinterpreting or just using those tried and true rock elements and pushing them in new directions, maybe into a new genre?
Oh yea, they have two drummers, but honestly, it's not that distinctive in any of the recordings I've heard. I'm all for more drums, I just didn't really hear it.
Which reminds me, is 77 Boadrum going to end up as a live recording? I have to look for that bootleg somewhere.
Heavy on the distortion, sustained guitar, lots of solos, I might like the instrumental stuff better, and when they really get into more noises.
Like the direction deerhoof went, taking all of these things they have been doing experimentally and applying them to a pop sensibility. I don't know if they set out to necessarily mock the genre or pay homage to it, but it worked.
I think there might be a little of that going on here.
'This Mess' is a taster from forthcoming album 'Vessels' and shows off Wolf & Cub's percussion heavy (they have two drummers. go figure) sound wonderfully. This is a band that knows how to party, and unlike so many of their uber-trendy Hoxton-based contemporaries, they have something of the punk spirit about them too. And that doesn't mean that the Aussie lads managed to pinch a couple of Blondie records from their folks, there's a genuine willingness to kick stuff over and shout a bit on 'This Mess' and for me, that's all I wanna hear. I imagine if this was played in a club I'd wanna get up and jump up and down on the spot for two or three minutes before realising the multiple bottles of very alcoholic beer I had drunk was a poor misjudgement on my part, that's just the sort of tune it is. Elsewhere we have two more solid (and probably exclusive, knowing 4AD) tracks giving further weight to my claims. I don't know about you lot but I have a feeling the full length is going to be rather good fun indeed. They might not be the breaking any new ground, but why bother when you can rock this hard?It's on boomkat, I'm pretty sure this is import only.
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