Always be my friend is a half rockabilly, piano rambler, like that fun throwaway track that sounds like early rolling stones. This is the last thing I would point to Montreal as inspiring. Geography don't mean a thing.
They would be at home throwing beer bottles back at the country crowd from behind the fenced with the barbed wire stage.
I don't think Rob has it anymore, so check out Parasol mailorder.
Demon's Claws
Fucked on K b/w Always Be My Friend
PS, US One of the most dynamic combos to take the filthy route directly to your brain, & each live perrformance solidifies their earnest ambition to stomp their furious rock'n roll death trip into submission. Their stumbling, rambling ways have lead folks down the darker side of americana-tinged blues-punk on more than one occasion & this one just might be the best. 1000 pressed, black vinyl.
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