Little claw counts Psychadelic Horseshit and Times New Viking as friends in the Ohio scene of no-fi, these guys are from Detroit and also share a member with Tyvek, but they aren't all guys in fact the lead vocals are by a Portland lady....not too much info on their myspace... basically it's all echo-y, there's a giant delay on her vocals, it sounds like it was recorded kind of live, in their rehearsal space. You can hear the echo is through a PA that must then be mic-ed. It's kind of nice experimental jam-through-it better than average pieces. It's all informed by playing with these other noise/fi acts who are all influencing each other and coming up with this new sound.
It makes sense now that it's not about the geography, and a specific sound having to do with a part of the country but it's about the proximity of bands to one another...how many shows they share the bill with, and prectice spaces, and have listen to each others stuff....or fans coming to both...that's what makes these little scenes happen. It could be driven by just hitting on a particular sound and all adopting it as interesting....well count little claw in with those other guys and see what they're up to.
From Fusetron distro
Title: Why Not
Format: 7"
Label: Physical Sewer
Country: USA
Price: $5.50
"Little Claw done an excellent lp last yr that Id meant to include in my year end top picks but in my haste to ge the thing up, I inadvertently skipped it. Now they done this little fella in conjunction w/some western tourin & I was lucky enough to get one after an amazin performance at some record shop last wk in Austin. The 3 tracks included herein ably summon forth the bizarre beauty & mutant psychedelic frug once exclusively patented by Christchurch & Dunedin sodbusters whose names begin & end w/both vowels & consonants. I mean really, do I have to name them for you? This thing leads off w/the scratchy creeper crawl Little Claw is known for while the additional tracks work inside a space devoid of gravity yet brimming w/neon & helium. The exhale is pure ecstasy. This bunch just keeps gettin better. Edition of 300"- Tom Lax, Siltblog
Siltbreeze is also releasing a single from these guys shortly as well, so it's endorsed by heavy hitters all around.
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